Springfield School Information Booklet

Information Book for Parents.pdf


Regulations state that no child shall be absent from the school without sufficient reason, and that the school is legally required to retain on file, satisfactory documentation relating to a child’s absence. Therefore a note signed by a parent/caregiver stating the reason for a child’s absence should be sent to the teacher concerned as soon as possible. Please ensure that reasons for absence are supplied to the school to avoid any unnecessary further investigation. In the interests of pupil safety, a telephone call, text message or absentee message sent via the School App to the school on the day of absence is also required.


Teachers are happy to discuss pupils’ progress at any time during the year.

Please contact the prinicpal or staff member to arrange a suitable time.


The school bus currently makes two runs each day. It leaves the school at 3:00pm. Bus children will be put on the bus each afternoon unless a PARENT of the child concerned contacts the school prior to 3pm.

If you are unsure if your child meets the eligible criteria for the bus run, please contact the principal.


Children may ride their bikes to school. They will park their bikes in the bike stands at the entrance to the school. Bikes may not be ridden in the school grounds. Children must have a good understanding of the Road Code and use ‘defensive riding’. Helmets must be worn at all times.   On Wednesdays children are able to bring wheels such as bikes roller skates rollerblades scooters to be used at school during break times.


When picking up children, please go slow.  Please exercise caution when using the visitors car park out the front as this often has foot traffic going through it as well.  We discourage u-turns in front of the school for safety reasons.


As part of the school curriculum day visits, or in some cases overnight camps, are undertaken by classes. These are a valuable extension of the class programmes and involve a large amount of planning and organisation but their worth is unquestionable. Please ensure that consent forms are completed and sent into the school office when required.


 Refer to the tab on uniform for what is required.


If you have a complaint about any matter relating to the teaching or day-to-day management of the school by the Principal or a staff member, the standard procedure is as follows :

1. Contact your child’s classroom teacher.

2. If you have further concerns contact the Principal.

3. If the matter is still unresolved, send your concern in writing to the Board

of Trustees.

If you have a concern or complaint about the Board of Trustees’ governance of the school, you should send this directly to the Board.

Please consult our SchoolDocs website for our complaints and concerns policy & procedure.


The Dental therapist holds a yearly clinic at the school.  They are now an itinerant therapist and visits other schools in the area. If your child has a dental concern please contact the school, and they will provide the therapist’s telephone number.


All teachers hold current First Aid certificates. If it is necessary for a doctor to see the injury the school will contact parents immediately. If a child becomes ill at school parents will be contacted so that the child can be taken home. To assist staff members in contacting parents in these instances, we ask that you supply the school with business phone numbers and an emergency number in case parents cannot be contacted.


From time to time the Board, Staff and School Community review policies and procedures. This gives all stakeholders the opportunity to have a say in how certain aspects of the school and curriculum are managed. When required to do so, you will be notified in the newsletter of which policy we are reviewing and you can access the SchoolDocs website and review the policy and leave comment where appropriate. (note that there's no "www."). Our username is "springfield" and password "alps".


The school maintains contact with, and uses where necessary, a variety of outside specialist agencies. These include:

• Ministry of Education

• Psychological Service.

• National Library Service.

• RTLB - Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour

. RTLit - Resource Teacher for Literacy

. RTM - Resource Teacher for Māori

• Ministry of Health. • Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Vulnerable Children

Should the school consider that any child has need of any of the above services the parents are informed.


Children are encouraged to take library books home, and we know parents will make sure that the books are properly cared for and returned promptly when finished. The borrowing limit is two books at a time. Children will not be issued books until any overdue books are returned. If a school book is lost or damaged a replacement cost may be incurred.


Our school policy is that children do home learning on school nights. This helps to develop the self-discipline needed as your child progresses through the education system. This type of learning is consolidation, research or an opportunity for extension if the child wishes it.

Tasks will vary from room to room and parents will be made aware of expectations.

If your child is having difficulty with set homework or it seems to be taking too long, please note the problem in the homework book for the child to bring it to school. However, if real tensions arise it is better that the work be left and sorted with the teacher the following day. Staff do not expect parents to find the child’s homework a chore.


The school has a small Lost Property box. While we endeavour to return misplaced clothing and articles as they are found - unnamed, unclaimed items can be looked for in the Lost Property box. Clear naming of clothing ensures a prompt return. Clothing inherited from other children should have the old name removed.


Our policy is healthy food options so children’s lunch boxes should contain only “everyday” or “sometimes” foods and water only in the drink bottle.

Please also include a fruit or vegetable snack for our ‘brain break’ prior to morning tea. Yoghurt is not a suitable option for this time.


From time to time we may need to access online learning if the school is closed for any reason. The learning is provided through Seesaw and Google Drive and is set by classroom teachers. During online learning time teachers will mark work, interact with students and whānau and give feedback on work completed


One of the most important aspects of a school is parental help, both inside and outside the classroom. If you have any spare time and are prepared to give us much-needed help, we will give any necessary advice to get you started. Please contact the school if you can help us. Parents involved in schooltime activities, are asked to show the utmost discretion in the community. Often information conveyed informally to parents causes unnecessary anxiety.


The school is served by a Public Health Nurse. Parents who have concerns about any health matters relating to their children are welcome to phone the school and request a visit from the Health Nurse. HealthLink South, in conjunction with the Public Health Nurse, checks vision and hearing of new entrants.


Your child will receive a written report in July and December that shows his/her achievement level in alignment with the New Zealand Curriculum levels.

At the beginning of the year we have a whānau event here at school and parents have the opportunity to set goals with their childs teacher. The children also set their own weekly goals which are shared with whānau.

In Term 3 we have learning conversations with whānau and students.


Children should know how to conduct themselves on their way to and from the school. They should be aware of how to cross the road and on which side of the road to walk. If your child walks to school unaccompanied by an adult, please ensure you have discussed safe walking practices with them.


A school newsletter is produced fortnightly on a Friday. Please notify the school Office Manager if you require a paper copy. This will be brought home by the oldest child in the family. If parents do not receive their newsletter regularly please contact the school. Please take the time to read through the newsletters as they often contain important information about upcoming events.


The school sees self-discipline in children as being the ideal, and general rules of the school try to reflect this aim. It is hoped that children will grow in self-awareness of their own faults and try to rectify them, whilst at the same time developing tolerance and respect towards the shortcomings of others. To these ends, the rules are brief and designed with safety, caring for others and the above factors in mind. They are collaborated with all staff and students at the beginning of each school year displayed in the school.


The school has a 5 metre pool which the Board of Trustees maintains during vacations. Keys are available, at a cost of $50.00 from the office.

During the school day, each child is required to participate in the class swimming programme. Whenever possible, we employ external swimming instructors to facilitate these lessons. As our pool area has no shade, children swimming as part of our school programme are required to wear rash swim tops to maximise coverage of exposed skin. This is a curriculum requirement.The children are taught water confidence and stroke skills. During evenings and weekends ‘keyed’ families are able to use the pool facilities. Rules are provided with the key.


We have teamed up OfficeMax to make back to school easy. You’ll find your child’s school stationery list online at or

Simply search for our school, select your child’s class and/or subject lists and follow the instructions on the website.


It is sometimes necessary for parents to take children from school during school hours. Please advise the class teacher as to when the child is leaving. This will save much confusion and worry as to the child’s whereabouts.

If your child is being picked up after school by another person you must notify the school in writing and please let your child know the arrangements, wherever possible.


Each fortnight one of our learning groups shares whānau time. This is where the classroom is opened up for some shared learning with whānau from 2:30pm on a Wednesday.

End of term celebrations are another way we celebrate our learning with whānau. These celebrations take place in the last week of term and are advertised in our school newsletters.


Meet the teacher evenings

Twice yearly, students will bring home a written report compiled by their child's teacher outlining their next steps and learning and core curriculum areas.

Meet the teacher opportunities in terms one and three.


As teachers cannot be responsible for the custody of valuable articles, children are advised not to bring them to school. Toys are discouraged. The policy on watches is ‘wear them at your own risk’. Jewellery is not permitted. Plain stud earrings may be worn.


Parents are welcome at the school anytime. If you feel you are able to contribute to the school in any way with a sport, music, or any other cultural activity, and wish to do so, please do offer your services. Such contributions can be of great benefit to the children. Our Office Manager is in the office on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 8:50am – 1:50pm. It would be appreciated if all phone calls or inquiries could be made while the office is manned.