Technology is changing fast and our education system needs to grow and adapt with it.

We are changing how we equip our children and young people to participate, create, and thrive in this fast-evolving digital world.


At Springfield School we use a digital learning portal called Seesaw where children can share with whānau things they are working on, proud of or curious about.

We welcome and encourage whānau responses on this platform.

Each week one of our learning groups shares whānau time. This is where the classroom is opened up for some shared learning with whānau from 2:40pm on a Wednesday.

End of term celebrations are another way we celebrate our learning with whānau. These celebrations take place in the last week of term and are advertised in our school newsletters.

What is Digital Technologies & Hangarau Matihiko 

Digital Technologies & Hangarau Matihiko is about teaching our tamariki and children how technology works, and how they can use that knowledge to solve problems.

Once this new curriculum is introduced, our kids won’t just be using devices like computers and smart phones. The changed curriculum will mean that schools will be teaching our young people the computer science principles that all digital technologies are built on.

Your child will benefit from having these future thinking skills.
